Changing means we move from one position to a better position. And every changes there must be a reason why that change should happen. Most people decided to change because there are things that make them feel uncomfortable. Love, boredom, and desire to move forward are the things that most influence a person to make a change.

1. Love
    Love is an event where two hearts decide to merge into one. Sometimes, loving someone make people to forget everything. They are willing to do anything for the person that they loved. If the person that we loved tells us to to make a change where the change leads to a better direction, why we should think twice to make that change?

2. Boredom

Boredom usually makes people make changes, for example people with low economy but have higher needs than their income. Therefore, the person makes changes, they do things that can make their lives better especially in their economic field. The usual things they do is they are looking for a job where the wages they will get are higher than the wages they earned from previous job. Sometimes they also set up an own business where it can help their economy. So, essentially they make those changes because they already feel bored to live a shortage.

3. Desire to move forward

People who want to live forward usually make changes because they want to leave things in the past. For example, a person has an unpleasant past, so they make a change that can make they life better by doing positive things. So, they can forget and erase their memory of their past.
